The Digital Rebel T1i Faces the Competition

Not that it makes a difference as much as you can imagine, but the D90 Digital SLR has a tiny (12.3MP) image sensor as an affordable T1i Rebel (15.1MP). With these data and applying a little common sense would not lead to a technical person to believe that the Digital Rebel is by far the smarter buy T1i.

As with many other things in this world and digital SLR cameras, things are not always as obvious as they should be. The image sensor from Canon is currently used,is not optimal sensor.

Not, however, are starting to think everything you read digital SLR package. The APS-C sensor in the Rebel SLR T1i be used, will be rigorously tested to treat 15.1 MP in the best case.

To achieve a higher megapixel rate, selected Canon are closer to the pixels, and smaller pixels than the Nikon D90 using 12.3MP used. It is the most widespread, fit more pixels to be on a smaller area. A more accurate indicator of imageQuality as a mega-pixel is pixel density. In this case, is the Nikon D90 12.3MP lower in much better with numbers (is better) of 3.3 compared to 4.5 for the Canon Rebel T1i.

There are a few other considerations to prepare for when buying a camera that a lot packed pixels. How do you go in search of additional lenses, you'll find that more megapixels means usually fall more money for the expensive lenses. Developed the lenses, are to work with high mega pixel cameraSolution better, and almost always pay the photographer.

Surprisingly, however, is the lens that's usually supplied (EF-S 3,5-5,6 18-55mm IS) by the manufacturer of the T1i is not one of those counts on the control of the higher megapixel gifted. We would never consider this standard lens for use with the T1i SLR, and would instead invest a few dollars extra in a Canon's precise zoom lenses such as the 17-85mm Canon EF-S or The 18-200mmCanon EF-S instead.

Hang on a moment when I'm not even close to done highlighting the problems with excessive pixel density. Excessive pixel density can adversely affect diffraction, dynamic and ISO. On further examination, it appears that our first assumption of the T1i SLR had come to be better bang for the buck a bit lost.

A well-designed for the quantification of image sensors with RAW data is provided by DxOMark. Oh, Mark Dx test is not yet complete, but the Digital RebelT1i used the Canon EOS 50D sensor. The audit found that the D90 SLR image sensor is much better than the Canon 50D sensor. The EOS 50D test data should be very close to the T1i SLR DxOMark test once it is made available.



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